There are some tips for exam week that we can use.

 1.      Interesting
You should study the way thing may interest you by linking the topics you are about to study with your daily routines.

2. Time management
Managing time to study is an important method where you have to allocate certain subject or topic with certain period to study. This will help you stay focus on what you want to achieve at the end.

3. 20-50 Minutes
Focus seriously when make exercise and reading. If you feel tired and sleepy while you are studying just leave and take rest a few minute.

4. Place
Choosing and using a comfortable and right place is very important aspect in smart studying. This is to say that comfortable means is to have good and clean environment not the cosy and over-comfortable spot where it will make you fall asleep before starting to study. This will help you give full concentration in your studies.

5. Free and relaxed Mind
Starting your revisions with a clear and relaxed mind will help you in gaining full memory of what you studied.

6. Snacking 
Preparing snacks before your study session will help you stay away from hunger.


7. Rewrite notes
Write a draft notes while study. Make sure all notes is written as soon as possible because the information will be fresh in your mind.

8. Important Points
You should not try to memorise word by word but try to grab all the important points.
Highlighting important words and sentences will help you to grab all the important information that you wanted. This will help you and make you easier when you reviewing and revising later.

9. Flash cards
Flash cards will help you to save all the important points of the topic u have read. You can set a set of questions one side and the answers in the other side where you can start using those questions to ask yourself and try to answer without referring to the answers.

10. Group study
Studying with a group of friends will help not only understanding the topics but you can share and exchanges information with one another where something you know and smoothing your friends know but you don’t. The group study should consist of friend who has the same intention to study so the group study will be a fruitful one and just not meeting to just waste time and energy.

11. Internet
Social networking can be an advantage to you and your study if you use it in a proper way. There are many option and information online where can help you in one way or another.


Banjir adalah permasalahan yang serius kerana boleh memberi impak kepada kehilangan rumah, kerosakan harta benda, aktiviti tergendala, malah mungkin boleh menyebabkan kemalangan atau kematian akibat lemas kerana banjir. Inilah yang sering berlaku di Malaysia apabila berlaku hujan lebat atau hujan di musim tengkujuh.Banjir bukan sahaja boleh berlaku dikampung-kampung pada musim hujan atau tengkujuh, malah banjir juga boleh berlaku di bandaraya-bandaraya besar.

Banjir yang sering berlaku di Malaysia adalah kerana pembangunan yang tidak teratur atau perancangan struktur bandar yang tidak betul. Pembangunan kampung-kampung dan taman-taman perumahan serta pembinaan bandar baru di Malaysia kebanyakannya mengabaikan aspek-aspek sistem perparitan (drainage systems).

Perhatikan negara Barat dan Jepun - negara yang berada dikawasan lingkaran gempa, maka para jurutera mereka merancang bandar yang sesuai untuk mereka menghadapi gempa. Ini menunjukkan orang-orang di Barat dan Jepun tetap merancang walaupun mereka tahu akan kemungkinan impak bencana alam tetap juga boleh berlaku.

Maksudnya mereka tetap merancang apa yang patut untuk bandaraya dan kawasan perumahan mereka dahulu, tetapi kalau sudah nak kena impak bencana alam itu lain cerita. Manakala orang-orang di Malaysia bernasib baik kerana negara Malaysia tidak berada dilingkaran gempa, tetapi boleh dikatakan kerap mengalami masalah banjir.

Justeru itu dengan membina rangkaian sistem perparitan secara menyeluruh mungkin masalah banjir boleh diatasi. Namun sistem perparitan yang dimaksudkan disini bukanlah sistem aliran longkang yang kecil, tetapi sebuah rangkaian sistem perparitan yang berskala besar dari longkang biasa.

Para pemaju yang ingin memajukan kawasan perumahan dan membuka bandar baru (urbanisasi) juga sepatutnya perlu memikirkan faktor alam sekitar dan rangkaian sistem perparitan untuk mengelakkan banjir. Ini telah menjadi kemestian negara maju di Barat dan Jepun, namun di Malaysia mungkin projek-projek yang dibuat hanya difikirkan untuk mengkayakan kroni berbanding perancangan bandar yang teratur lengkap dengan rangkaian sistem perparitannya.

Kesimpulannya, jika negara Malaysia tidak mampu menangani banjir maka banyak impak negatif yang akan rakyat rasakan seperti penyebaran kuman penyakit yang dapat mengakibatkan sakit malaria kerana banjir yang sering berlaku.

Siapakah pencipta telefon pertama.??

Telefon bimbit atau handphone semakin popular dewasa ini sama seperti laptop atau komputer. Baik dari anak-anak kecil sehinggalah mereka yang dewasa sekarang menggunakan handphone untuk berkomunikasi. Tapi, adakah anda tahu siapa yang mencipta dan menemui telefon?? Perkongsian saya kali ini adalah berkaitan telefon.

Telefon adala satu alat komunikasi yang boleh membantu kita membuat perhubungan jarak jauh, untuk bersembang atau memberitahu sesuatu kepada rakan-rakan atau saudara mara yang berada di jarak yang jauh.

Tahukah anda??? Orang pertama yang memindahkan suaranya melalui telefon ialah Alexender Graham Bell pada 2 Jun 1785, menggunakan telefon dwi satu arah / dua arah yang pertama pada 1 Jun 1785, kemudian pada  30 Januari 1877. Beliau mempetenkan telefon dengan transmitter-penerima secara elektrodinamik.

Telefon berasal daripada (Bahasa Yunani: tele = jauh dan phone = suara) adalah alat telekomunikasiyang digunakan bagi memancar dan menerima bunyi (kebiasaanya suara dan percakapan) pada jarak jauh tanpa terikat, secara bebas. Kebanyakan telefon beroperasi melalui pemancaran isyarat elektrik melalui jaringan telefon rumit yang membenarkan sebarang pengguna telefon untuk berhubung dengan hampir kesemua yang lain.

Kini pada zaman teknologi maklumat, terdapat pelbagai jenis, model dan saiz telefon bimbit dipasaran. Bersamanya juga memiliki kelebihan dan fungsinya tersendiri. Kecanggihan tersebut seharusnya dimanfaatkan sebaik mungkin dengan melakukan perkara kebaikan dan hindarkan dari melakukan keburukan yang boleh mendatangkan masalah kepada diri dan orang di sekitar.


Perbankan internet adalah satu istilah yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan proses di mana pelanggan yang melaksanakan transaksi perbankan melalui cara elektronik. Pelanggan juga dapat menjalankan yang boleh diklasifikasikan sebagai transaksi untuk urus niaga dan bukan. Perbankan Internet mempunyai kelebihan dan kekurangannya tersendiri. Antaranya :
Kelebihan perbankan Internet

• Kemudahan - Bank-bank yang menawarkan perbankan internet dibuka untuk urus niaga perniagaan di mana-mana pelanggan yang mungkin selagi ada sambungan internet. Selain dari tempoh penyelenggaraan laman web, perkhidmatan itu boleh didapati 24 jam sehari dan 365 hari sepanjang tahun.

• Perbankan Online membolehkan pengemaskinian lebih mudah. Masa untuk menukar alamat surat-menyurat dikurangkan, pesanan cek tambahan mendatangkan faedah dan mengenakan kadar faedah masa sebenar.

Kemudahan pemantauan - Seorang pelanggan boleh memantau perbelanjaan / beliau melalui dompet maya melalui bank-bank dan aplikasi tertentu dan membolehkan pembayaran. Boleh menyemak baki akaun masa sebenar dan maklumat yang mendatangkan faedah. Ini mempercepatkan proses perbankan, justeru meningkatkan kecekapan dan keberkesanannya.

Kemudahan transaksi - kelajuan transaksi adalah relatif lebih cepat daripada penggunaan ATM atau perbankan di kaunter.

Keburukan perbankan Internet

hubungan Perbankan - perbankan dalam alam maya atau internet banking menyukarkan pengguna melaporkan masalah yang dihadapi berkaitan akaun.

Akaun terdedah kepada serangan penggodaman, phishing, malware dan aktiviti yang tidak dibenarkan.

Pembelajaran - Bank dengan laman yang rumit boleh memberi kesukaran untuk mengendali dan menghendaki untuk membaca tutorial bagi menggunakan sistem internet yang mempunyai banyak prosedur.

Masalah Transaksi kemungkinan transaksi gagal dan tersilap apabila tersilap dalam melakukan transaksi


In the 2015 budget, the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak announced to increase the grades of Malaysian University English Test (MUET) for university admission starting next year. There are many effects that can be listed after this implementation. The effects of this situation are the university needs to filter out those who are eligible, students become afraid to apply for public universities and more applications are reject.  

            The first effect and impression can be seen is the university needs to filter out those who qualify to enter university with a minimum set of requirements. They will also face a shortage of students if the minimum level is high. This situation does not encourage students to apply public universities because the conditions are high and they prefer to go private institute. Lack of students will also have an impact on learning in university. This is because, if students are not enrolled, the class cannot be opened and conducted in accordance with a predetermined. As a result, the university will be deficient students for studying there.

The second effect the increase MUET band is students will be afraid to apply local universities. Currently, the general admission requirements for student is achieve minimum levels Band 1 in the MUET. Starting next year for admission to the university level increased minimum band to band 2 for social science and literature, engineering technology and engineering mathematics band 3 and for law and medical must get band 4. This implementation will complicate the process of applying to university application. Hence, the application for admission to university must be pass the prescribed conditions.
The last effect is a lot of applications for university students will be rejected. This is because many students are not fluent in English and are not proficient in the international language. After this, teachers must be increased pressure because they need to teach English to students until they can pass for university entrance. Private institutions will certainly smile because many students will choose to study at their place as the minimum requirements specified above. As a result, students who wish to apply for admission to the university should strive to achieve a specified level.

In conclusion, this increase MUET band should be studied in detail by all parties before being implemented. The role of government and the authorities is crucial in this exercise as it relates to the future of the children who will go on working environment. This situation feared a negative impact on those involved. Finally, many school student leavers prefer other direction to learn skills such as cooking skills because it is difficult to get a place in public universities. 

Do you know one of this bad habit?


When your parents were young, people could buy cigarettes and smoke pretty much anywhere - even in hospitals! Ads for cigarettes were all over the place. Today we're more aware about how bad smoking is for our health. Smoking is restricted or banned in almost all public places and cigarette companies are no longer allowed to advertise on TV, radio, and in many magazines.

Almost everyone knows that smoking causes cancer, emphysema, and heart disease; that it can shorten your life by 10 years or more; and that the habit can cost a smoker thousands of dollars a year. So how come people are still lighting up? The answer, in a word, is addiction.

Once You Start, It's Hard to Stop

Smoking is a hard habit to break because tobacco contains nicotine, which is highly addictive. Like heroin or other addictive drugs, the body and mind quickly become so used to the nicotine in cigarettes that a person needs to have it just to feel normal.

People start smoking for a variety of different reasons. Some think it looks cool. Others start because their family members or friends smoke. Statistics show that about 9 out of 10 tobacco users start before they're 18 years old. Most adults who started smoking in their teens never expected to become addicted. That's why people say it's just so much easier to not start smoking at all.


Setiap orang pada hari ini pasti memiliki satu komputer peribadi masing-masing. Komputer memainkan peranan penting kepada manusia untuk membuat suatu proses kerja. Tidak ketinggalan bagi diri ini, sebuah komputer peribadi berwarna biru telah menjadi milik aku. Kini, aku berada seiringan dengan arus kemodenan yang rata-rata semua pekerjaan menggunakan komputer.  

            Komputer idaman yang aku telah lama inginkan, aku beli bersama keluarga. Teruja diri ini hanya Allah swt sahaja yang tahu. Aku bersyukur, selepas mendaftar di University College Bestari sebagai seorang pelajar, wang pinjaman untuk kegunaan belajar telah diluluskan. Aku menggunakan sebahagian wang tersebut untuk membeli komputer riba (laptop). Dengan adanya komputer sendiri akan memudahkan aku melakukan tugasan.

            Aku juga berterima kasih kepada kedua ibu bapaku kerana selalu menasihati dan memberi dorongan semangat untuk terus belajar bersungguh sehingga mencapai kejayaan. Dengan itu, hidup pasti akan tenang dan tidak akan menyusahkan orang lain. Pengorbanan ibu bapa pasti terbalas dengan kejayaan seorang anak mendapat segulung ijazah.

Holidays at Indonesia..

My Experience at Bandung and Jakarta, Indonesia last year

Last year, my family and I was holiday at Indonesia. Before going there, we need to provide a passport to fly there. At there, we spent time together after busy with their own. This moment make my family and I a lot closer relationship together.

We departed from Terengganu to the airport in the afternoon and got there around 6 am. Flights to Jakarta we are at 10 am. On that day, my brothers and I are very excited because this is the first time boarding.

That our blue airplane, KLM flight from Kuala Lumpur to Jakarta. Our journey takes about four hours to get there. view from above the clouds is very beautiful and praise.

Anyone to Jakarta will become a millionaire. For what, the currency used in very high numbers. “10 000juta rupiah, 20 000 juta rupiah, 50 000 juta rupiah”.  As a rich person if you're there. But in fact, the value of their currency is a little cheaper than Malaysia.

The atmosphere in Jakarta and Bandung are very busy. The building is located very close to each other. Each with their affairs. Where there are workers most discussions, that's there their sustenance.  People they are also very poor. There, they are have house, and there is also not have house. Some of them are just staying at home under the bridge.

We also had a visit attractions such as Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, Jakarta and the volcano. We also had shopping at Pekan Baru, Bandung. There are various types of goodies which may be found at low prices, primarily fabrics. At there, feeling like not going back to malaysia. Even feel the urge to buy all the goods that were there.

I also managed to take some pictures of memories there. feels like just returned from Indonesia. Memories of our family there is always embedded in memory.

photographed with a tour guide (left side), Pak Jais

pictorial memories with cartoon mascots

popular vehicles in Indonesia

So, that all for my post can I shared for this time, wait for the next post... ;)

My English language ability

Nazgrul - My English language ability so far..

Talking about English language skills. I am not an expert and know more how to speak in english. However, it can be said I'm still in a moderate level of proficiency in this language.

In this century, the dominance of the English language among students and all Malaysians are very important. This is because this language is the main medium of the world. This has resulted in the english language is important to learn by everyone.

Many methods can be done to improve the mastery of the English language. Among other things, read short stories, read the English newspapers such as New Straits Times. This situation, help individuals proficient in the language.

In addition, writing in the blog also is one way to increase proficiency in English. Besides often speaking in English. This has to be dominated by the English language all along it at the present time. 


Nazgrul - Sentimetal values from photo

Sentimental values I think maybe like this, everything have their own sentimental values. every single things coming with memories. For me, the things remind me of something, someone, some moments have a great value. Eventhough, sometimes past that I do not want to remember, and I can ‘t remember or, things that are often remembered by the individual.

For me, I have a picture that can be sentimental. Picture of my late grandfather. He died when I was with him. At that time, I was in Form 2. Before that, I lived at hostel. However, due to uncomfortable staying there, I ask permission of the family to live with grandparents. Furthermore, he was left alone even after the grandmother died a few years ago due to diabetes. Grandfather's house with my school not too far.

Not even a month I lived with him. Still remembered the incident that. In the afternoon, after returning from school, I saw him staring at the far edge of the window. I do not think that time and saw what was weird. This is because he is always at the window while enjoying the evening air and watching the cars passing facing house.

After the shower, I asked grandfather to eat together, but he does not want. He said no appetite. I was eating close to him while talk with him. After that, I was retained to complete school work. In the evening, I want prayer time, I asked to pray with the grandfather, but he told me to pray first. he said he would pray after this. He was still lying on the bed in the kitchen. After almost an hour grandfather still up.

Grandpa sudden shortness of breath. I panicked. I continue to call parents to inform of this. After that, mother, father, aunt came to the house grandfather. We bring him to the hospital because grandfather could not breathe normally (shortness of breath). At the hospital, grandfather given artificial respiration. Doctor confirms grandfather suffered from pneumonia. Grandpa was rushed to a specialist for further treatment. But the next day, after I back home from school. My mom told me that grandfather was not dead.

At that time, I could not say anything. Sadness enveloped myself. Imagine. I lost my grandfather well, like make a joke, for the motivation and tools to assist in all work. However, I'm pleased and succumb to the conditions. May god love him more. Until die, I will remember him that keep me with great affection and I will save his picture forever..

I keep it,because the memories is part of me..

Tips to Eliminate Stress

Nazgrul - Tips 

Stress always happen to many people around the world at this time, as influenced by a variety of things such as the demands of employment, family economic pain, disease and so forth. 

But what is the stress? Stress is a condition that occurs his deep pressure that exceeds the maximum capacity that a person is psychologically controlled his actions become less healthy as well as disruption of the body metabolic system, causing various diseases.

Usually stress easily happen to people who do not believe her or him and difficult decision. Stress is a condition that cannot be avoided because we are part of human life, but we can control it so as not to lead to disadvantages for our lives. Stress is not always bad, but also can be beneficial for a person life, such as motivating as one becomes more advanced, as long as the stress is still in reasonable condition. 

Here some tips how to reduce stress that can I share: 
1.   Sleep regularly 8 hours per day and do not sleep too long.

2.  Drink 8 glasses of white water or 2 liters a day to get oxygen to the brain for carry out daily activities comfortably. 

3.  Listen a soft song that your mind is not equally tense and sing. 

4.  Watch video, read funny stories or personal experiences that funny saved to relieve stress. 

5.  Social with many friends who like doing activities are beneficial. 

6.  Always smile every time.

7.  Take 5 minutes breath in and out slowly when you have a problem. 

8.  Spend the weekend with family while doing exercises at park together.


Nazgrul - Current Event

It is so easy to give an answer to the question, who is the most excellent player in the world of golf, tennis player, squash players or who is the world number one badminton player is the most truly best in the world. But it is difficult for us to give an answer if it involves a team game like football.

During the World Cup games, we can only see the national football team of the most truly good in the game, but it does not mean it is the football team of the most excellent in the world. As we know, the German football team has won the last World Cup. 

In a national football team, not all players is good alone. Only half of the players in the team who really excellent and world class. Development of football that will interest many people, has create a lot of companies or football clubs. 

English Premier League (EPL) is one example of a league that is so well known, and many fans in the world. Football clubs in the English league is always trying to find a excellent players in the world to play with their team. Instead, in our country Malaysia, Kelantan football team for example only preferred and supported by the people of Kelantan only. 

Every time we finished watching the finals to determine the champion of the English Premier League, we will ask ourselves, is it true that the winning team is the football team of the most excellent in the world. Perhaps the answer to the question, where the football team is the most excellent in the world is the football team of the richest clubs in world soccer club such as Real Madrid. There is no proper measure to determine unless the money. 

Why this league must be in Europe? The reason, maybe on historical factors, because it original or begins in England and in Europe. Countries in other parts of the world too have set up their own football league, including our country. In conclusion, the determination of the football teams most excellent is difficult to determine because of  it is prowess status.