My English language ability

Nazgrul - My English language ability so far..

Talking about English language skills. I am not an expert and know more how to speak in english. However, it can be said I'm still in a moderate level of proficiency in this language.

In this century, the dominance of the English language among students and all Malaysians are very important. This is because this language is the main medium of the world. This has resulted in the english language is important to learn by everyone.

Many methods can be done to improve the mastery of the English language. Among other things, read short stories, read the English newspapers such as New Straits Times. This situation, help individuals proficient in the language.

In addition, writing in the blog also is one way to increase proficiency in English. Besides often speaking in English. This has to be dominated by the English language all along it at the present time. 


  1. Mister, you did mentioned you are improving your English skills by reading, writing and speaking! Please do not undermine listening as well. Go to TED. com and listen to the scientific speech there. You can even see the transcription should the speaker spoke in the bullet speed! Select the topic that match your subject of interest. I am personally want you to listen "The power of believing that you can improve" by Prof Dweck (not sure of spelling her name!). Moga Allah tambahkan ilmu yg berkat utk. AbgYoo. InsyaAllah.

  2. InshaaAllah....nanti Abgyo try tngok yg ciknor bgthu..
    thank you for info..
