Tips to Eliminate Stress

Nazgrul - Tips 

Stress always happen to many people around the world at this time, as influenced by a variety of things such as the demands of employment, family economic pain, disease and so forth. 

But what is the stress? Stress is a condition that occurs his deep pressure that exceeds the maximum capacity that a person is psychologically controlled his actions become less healthy as well as disruption of the body metabolic system, causing various diseases.

Usually stress easily happen to people who do not believe her or him and difficult decision. Stress is a condition that cannot be avoided because we are part of human life, but we can control it so as not to lead to disadvantages for our lives. Stress is not always bad, but also can be beneficial for a person life, such as motivating as one becomes more advanced, as long as the stress is still in reasonable condition. 

Here some tips how to reduce stress that can I share: 
1.   Sleep regularly 8 hours per day and do not sleep too long.

2.  Drink 8 glasses of white water or 2 liters a day to get oxygen to the brain for carry out daily activities comfortably. 

3.  Listen a soft song that your mind is not equally tense and sing. 

4.  Watch video, read funny stories or personal experiences that funny saved to relieve stress. 

5.  Social with many friends who like doing activities are beneficial. 

6.  Always smile every time.

7.  Take 5 minutes breath in and out slowly when you have a problem. 

8.  Spend the weekend with family while doing exercises at park together.

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