There are some tips for exam week that we can use.

 1.      Interesting
You should study the way thing may interest you by linking the topics you are about to study with your daily routines.

2. Time management
Managing time to study is an important method where you have to allocate certain subject or topic with certain period to study. This will help you stay focus on what you want to achieve at the end.

3. 20-50 Minutes
Focus seriously when make exercise and reading. If you feel tired and sleepy while you are studying just leave and take rest a few minute.

4. Place
Choosing and using a comfortable and right place is very important aspect in smart studying. This is to say that comfortable means is to have good and clean environment not the cosy and over-comfortable spot where it will make you fall asleep before starting to study. This will help you give full concentration in your studies.

5. Free and relaxed Mind
Starting your revisions with a clear and relaxed mind will help you in gaining full memory of what you studied.

6. Snacking 
Preparing snacks before your study session will help you stay away from hunger.


7. Rewrite notes
Write a draft notes while study. Make sure all notes is written as soon as possible because the information will be fresh in your mind.

8. Important Points
You should not try to memorise word by word but try to grab all the important points.
Highlighting important words and sentences will help you to grab all the important information that you wanted. This will help you and make you easier when you reviewing and revising later.

9. Flash cards
Flash cards will help you to save all the important points of the topic u have read. You can set a set of questions one side and the answers in the other side where you can start using those questions to ask yourself and try to answer without referring to the answers.

10. Group study
Studying with a group of friends will help not only understanding the topics but you can share and exchanges information with one another where something you know and smoothing your friends know but you don’t. The group study should consist of friend who has the same intention to study so the group study will be a fruitful one and just not meeting to just waste time and energy.

11. Internet
Social networking can be an advantage to you and your study if you use it in a proper way. There are many option and information online where can help you in one way or another.


  1. Usaha sungguh-sungguh!! Moga cemerlang! Nak Blog jugak...Jelous sakan CikNo ni..

  2. hehe...InshaaAllah...
    sama-sama la kita berdoa kepada-Nya moga peroleh kejayaan bersama..
